Previous PageVolume 4 Issue 4

Manumission Papers, Bahia, 1831-1840

Peer-Reviewed Data Article

Maria Julia da Conceição (c. 1820-1910), Yoruba name Omonike, founder of the Ilê Iyá Omi Axé Iyamassé temple, also known as the Terreiro do Gantois, a national heritage site. Photo first published by Manuel Raymundo Querino, A raça africana e seus costumes na Bahia (Salvador: Empresa Gráfica da Bahia, 1917). Published courtesy of Mae Julia do Gantois’s descendants.

Maria Julia da Conceição (c. 1820-1910), Yoruba name Omonike, founder of the Ilê Iyá Omi Axé Iyamassé temple, also known as the Terreiro do Gantois, a national heritage site. Photo first published by Manuel Raymundo Querino, A raça africana e seus costumes na Bahia (Salvador: Empresa Gráfica da Bahia, 1917). Published courtesy of Mae Julia do Gantois’s descendants.

Volume 4 Issue 4

Manumission Papers, Bahia, 1831-1840

Article Author

Kristin Mann

Emory University

Urano Andrade

Dataset Creator

Kristin Mann

Emory University

Urano Andrade

Date Published


How to Cite

Mann, Kristin, and Urano de Cerqueira Andrade. "Manumission Papers, Bahia, 1831-1840." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 4, no. 4 (2023): 18-29.

Article DOI

Article Rights

Copyright: Kristin Mann and Urano Andrade

Article License

Dataset Publisher

Harvard Dataverse

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